How to Duplicate or Clone Events

Events in PheedLoop can get pretty detailed and comprehensive over the many weeks and months of effort you put into them, and chances are the next event you're planning is quite similar. Especially when it comes down to the general settings, graphics, and more. You'll likely have different content and slightly different branding, but your settings in particular are ones you've fine tuned and would certainly like to re-use at the very least. Enter PheedLoop's event duplication features, which make it extremely easy to copy in loads of information when creating a new event, as well as later on (copying data from previous events). 

Note: Duplicating and copying data from events is not a two-way sync, it's a copy function. The only exception is attendee profiles and their profile information.

Creating an Event

To create an event, visit your dashboard's events home page, and click on "Create Event" in the top left corner. Deselect the option to "Create Sample Data", select event type, set an event name, select the base event, and select the option "Copy from Previous Event". Select the event you want to copy settings from via the drop-down menu. Finally, if you would like to actually copy over speakers, sponsors, forms, website and/or exhibitors from the selected event, check the respective options.

Copying Data from a Previous Event

If you've already created an event, you can still copy quite a bit of data from previous events. Unlike the event creation step, you can't copy settings from a previous event once it has been created. However please note that you are able to import Exhibitors, Speakers, Sponsors again from another event should you choose to do it later. An advantage of importing data from a previous event for an existing event is also the ability to copy data from multiple previous events, not just one. Examples of copy functions include copying attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and speakers. Visit the module in the event's dashboard that you want to perform the copy for! For example: You can click into Sponsors > Click into the Blue Action Button > Copy Sponsors. 

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