Creating and Sending a Custom Form to Attendees

If you are ever looking to send out custom surveys to your attendees, our Custom Forms feature is the perfect solution. With this new and improved feature, you can have confidence that you will capture all information about the attendee upon filling out the form. In addition, filling out the form is designed to be convenient and easy to understand.

The Form Portal is great for scenarios such as sending out a post event survey form. By using the Form Link, attendees can submit their responses directly by clicking on an URL. Each form can be configured to require login before submission or disabled all together if this feature is not necessary.

Unlike with the registration process, personal information like addresses are not recorded. If this is necessary, we suggest including that information as a question in the form itself.

Step 1 - Creating your Custom Form

Before the Form Portal can be utilized, a custom form must be created. Once the custom form is created, the Form Portal will become available.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms
  2. Above the Form table, select Create
    1. Alternatively, select a pre-existing form like Exhibitor Application to edit the questions that will appear there. For more information, please review our Adding and Using Category Forms in Registration article.
  3. Under Name, enter the name for your form
  4. Under Category, select General Survey
    1. If you are editing a default form, do not edit this field or it will not appear in their respective portals.
  5. Under Description, enter a description for your form
  6. Toggle on Portal Active, to active it’s respective form portal
  7. Toggle on Authentication Required to require attendees to login before they can use the form portal
    1. We strongly recommend toggling onAuthentication Required to record who answered the form. If Authentication Required is toggled off, then user information will not be recorded. 
    2. Please note, if Authentication Required is toggled off attendees can access the form portal as long as they have the designated URL. Only attendees registered to the event will be able to access the form portal.
  8. Toggle on Lock Response Edits if you wish to prevent further edits once submitted
  9. Select Add Question
    1. From here you can include a variety of response types including text answers, multiple choice, and questions requiring a file to be uploaded.
  10. Select Save Changes

Step 2 - Sending Forms with Announcements

Sharing the Form Portal can be done easily as an announcement.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcement table, select Create
  3. Under the Description field, paste the Form Portal link along with the rest of your content
  4. Select Save Changes

Getting the Form Code from the Form Portal URL

In order to use the Form Link token, you will need to retrieve the Form Code from your Form Portal’s URL.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms
  2. Select the Form you wish to edit.
  3. Above the Form table, select Actions > Portal Link
  4. Copy the Form Code from the Form Portal URL
    1. Form Codes always start with ‘FOR’ and are the final part of the URL.

Accessing the Form Link Token

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcements table, select Create
  3. Under Description, select Insert Token
  4. Select Form Link
  5. For the Text field, edit the text to what you would like it to say
  6. For the form_code field, enter the Form Code from the Form Portal URL
  7. Select Save Changes

Your announcement will now contain a Call to Action button that will take attendees to the Form Portal once clicked.

For more information on Announcements, please review our Customizing Sending and Automating Announcements article.

Step 3 - Downloading Form Responses

Once the period has ended for form responses, you can now begin gathering information Form Responses. With PheedLoop, you have the option to gather answers as a Custom Report.

Downloading Form Responses as a Custom Report

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Create
  3. Under the Report Type field, select Form Responses
  4. Under the Name field, enter a name for your report
  5. Under the Description field, enter any information if necessary
  6. Under the Form field, leave it blank to include all forms or select the form you wish to view responses for
  7. Under the Start Time field, select the time you wish to include information from
    1. Data generated before this time will not be included in the report.
  8. Under the End Time field, select the time you wish to stop including information from
    1. Data generated after this time will not be included in the report.
  9. Select Save Changes

Now that your report is created, you will want to generate the report in order to download it.

  1. Select the checkbox of your newly created report
  2. Above the Custom Reports table, select Actions > Generate Report
  3. Select Download Previous Report

A CSV file of the report will now be downloaded on your device.

Downloading Form Responses from the Editor Form

Form Responses are also recorded in the Editor Form which can be downloaded as a CSV file. Please note, we still recommend creating a custom report as it offers more complete information and more customizability.

Otherwise, using this option is ideal if you want to get a quick glimpse at the responses and create the Custom Report at a later date.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms
  2. Select the Form you wish to view responses for
  3. Navigate to the Responses tab
  4. Above the Responses table, select the download button

A CSV file of the responses will now be saved onto your device.

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