Setting Up Live Display

Please note, use of this feature requires the Live Display power-up. The information on the Live Display is refreshed approximately every 5 minutes or whenever the app is refreshed manually.

Like the name suggests, Live Display offers a real time viewing of all the online interaction surrounding an event. All the latest news and information can be displayed on a monitor for attendees to see as they navigate through the venue.

This is commonly used on additional TV Displays and Projector screens at the conference.

This feature can be easily accessible via a unique URL. All you need is a device that can connect to the internet and for you to project it.

Creating Live Display from the Event dashboard

Before opening Live Display from the app you will want to set up Live Display from the Event Dashboard. It is possible to set up multiple displays in the same event. This is ideal if you wish to showcase several different displays in different spots.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to OnSite > Live Display
  2. Above the Live Display table, select Create
  3. Fill out the Name field
  4. Under Transition Delay, enter the number of seconds before the display transitions to the next page
    1. The screen will always transition to the page on the right.
    2. Optionally, set this value to 0 to prevent the screen from transitioning.
  1. Under Scroll Rate, enter the speed at which the screen scrolls down
    1. We recommend a value between 40 and 80 with 50 being the default. The higher the number, the slower the scroll speed.
  2. Select Save Changes

This page also offers some customization options if needed such as editable primary and secondary colors. Sponsor Image Override and Map Image Override must be used if displaying the Sponsor and Map respectively. We will discuss these as necessary in their sections below.

Getting Access to Live Display

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Event Portals > OnSite Portals
  2. Select On Site Kiosk
  3. Enter the Event Code
    1. The Event Code can be found under General > Details
  4. Login with your team member’s account
  5. From the OnSite Portal, navigate to Live Display
  6. Select the Live Display you wish to use for the event
  7. Select the feed you wish to display from the event

Each feed fulfills a different use and it’s up to the organizers of the event to decide which feed to use. Live Display can also be used on PheedLoop OnSite with the same instructions above.


Please note use of this feature requires the Virtual Event Portal or Mobile Event App

The Social page shows all posts made by attendees from newest to oldest. Posts can be monitored and require administrative approval before appearing to the public. Alternatively, it can be used to display social media via For more instructions on how to set this up, please visit our Integrating the Curator Social Media Feed into the Event App or Virtual Portal article.

In addition to post moderation, comments can also be removed if deemed inappropriate for the event.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > NetworkingFeed
  2. Select the post with the comment you would like to remove from the list
  3. Navigate to the Comments column
  4. Select the checkbox of the comment(s)
  5. Select Actions > Delete
  6. Select Confirm

For more information, please review our Using the Event Feed Moderation Feature article.

To change the Social page to

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to OnSite > Live Display
  2. Scroll down to Secondary Color
  3. Under Social Page Content, select Curator IO Social Feed
  4. Under Social Feed Public Key, enter the key
  5. For information on how to set up a curator account, please review our Integrating the Curator Social Media Feed into the Event App or Virtual Portal article.
  6. Select Save Change


The News page shows all announcements from newest to oldest. Announcements can be created from the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Announcements
  2. Above the Announcements table select Create
  3. Fill out the announcement, for more information, please review our Customizing Sending and Automating Announcements article
  4. Select Save Changes


The agenda page will display the sessions of an event. If the Filter Sessions By Current Date checkbox is toggled on then only sessions happening on Today’s date will appear. Otherwise, all the sessions will appear from the live display.


Please note use of this feature requires the Gamification power-up.

The Games page will display the leaderboard for Gamification. The top three users with the most points will be displayed, the other contestants will be shown on the right side of the screen.

For information on setting up Gamification, please review our Setting up Gamification and Prizes for In-Person Events article.


The Sponsor image will show up in this page. It is recommended to use an image with a transparent background and no white-space.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to OnSite > Live Display
  2. Scroll down to Secondary Color
  3. Under Sponsor Image Override, select Choose File to upload your image
  4. Select Save Changes

The Sponsor page will now show the uploaded image.


The Map page will show the floorplan that is uploaded in the Event Dashboard in the Maps page. Displaying this page will provide a map that attendees can use to navigate the venue more efficiently.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to OnSite > Live Display
  2. Scroll down to Secondary Color
  3. Under Map Image Override, select Choose File to upload your image
  4. Select Save Changes

The Map page will now show the uploaded image.

Hiding Features in PheedLoop OnSite

If you would like to hide content in the app, this can be done from the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to OnSite > Live Display
  2. Scroll down to Options
  3. Toggle on the checkboxes as necessary
    1. Show Social Section - This makes the Social page visible in Live Display.
    2. Show Sponsors Section - This makes the Sponsors page visible in Live Display.
    3. Show Sponsors In Header - This shows the sponsors on top of the Sponsor page.
    4. Show Agenda Section - This makes the Agenda page visible in Live Display.
    5. Filter Sessions By Current Date - This toggle will make the Agenda page only show sessions occurring on today’s date. The page will be blank if no sessions are happening on the current date.
    6. Show News Section - This makes the News page visible in Live Display.
    7. Show Map Section - This makes the Map page visible in Live Display.
    8. Show Gamification Section - This makes the Games page visible in Live Display.
    9. Show Weather in Footer - This makes the Weather widget visible in Live Display.
    10. Show Clock in Footer - This makes the Clock widget visible in Live Display.
    11. Show WiFi in Footer - This makes the Wifi widget visible in Live Display.
  1. Select Save Changes

Setting up WiFi Information

In order for the WiFi information to appear, you will need to enter this information in the settings page of OnSite.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to OnSite > Settings
  2. Under the Event WiFi Network Password field, enter the wifi password to share with attendees
  3. Under the Event WiFi Network ID field, enter the wifi network name to share with attendee
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