What Are the Best Reports to Use for Gamification Tracking and Analysis?

Each feature within the Gamification page has reports for information, primarily which attendees partook in the activity. This article will cover what reports to use to best make use of Gamification reporting.

If you would like to learn more about creating custom reports, please review our Creating Custom Reports for Data and Analytics article.


The Gamification Report is the primary reporting tool for point collection throughout your event. It will display information on Spot Codes and the attendees who have entered those codes. For more information on Gamification as a whole, please review our Setting up Gamification and Prizes for In-Person Events article.

While there are many fields that can be used in this report, we recommend adding the following as a start:

Spot Name This is the name of the code.
Attendee - Full Name The full name of the attendee.
Attendee - Email The email of the attendee’s account.


The Raffles report will hold information on all raffles created in the Event Dashboard. This report can also be used to record the winner of the raffle. For more information, please review our Setting up the Gamification Raffle article.

While there are many fields that can be used in this report, we recommend adding the following as a start:

Title The name of the raffle.
Prize Title The name of the prize.
Winner The winner of the raffle.

Raffle Entries

The Raffles Entries report will contain information on all attendees who have entered the raffle. This report is also where the winner of the raffle is recorded. The raffles page will also display the winner of each raffle. For more information, please review our Setting up the Gamification Raffle article.

While there are many fields that can be used in this report, we recommend adding the following as a start:

Entry Code The internal code of the entry.
Attendee - Full Name The full name of the attendee.
Attendee - Email The email used by the attendee.
Raffle - Title The name of the raffle.
Raffle - Winner The name of the attendee who won the raffle.
Raffle - Prize Title The name of the prize.

Attendees Report

The Attendee Report is used for many purposes, but the Total Gamification Points field can be used to list how many points each attendee earned during the event.

While there are many fields that can be used in this report, we recommend adding the following as a start:

Code The internal code of the attendee.
Full Name The full name of the attendee.
Email The email address used by the attendee.
Dietary Restrictions The dietary restrictions provided by the attendee during the registration process.
Temporary Password Temporary passwords can be used to access the members account. If the attendee has already set their own password then the temporary password will not work.

Photo Scavenger Spot

The Photo Scavenger Spot report summarizes all scavenger challenges created for your event. For more information, please review our Setting up a Photo Scavenger Hunt using Gamification article.

While there are many fields that can be used in this report, we recommend adding the following as a start:

Title The name of the scavenger challenge created in the Event Dashboard
Points The number of points awarded for completing the challenge

Photo Scavenger Spot Posts

The Photo Scavenger Spot Posts report will summarize all attendees who partook in scavenger challenges from the event app. For more information, please review our Setting up a Photo Scavenger Hunt using Gamification article.

While there are many fields that can be used in this report, we recommend adding the following as a start:

Image The image submitted by the attendee
Text The text from the post of the attendee
Status The approval status of the post
Attendee - Full Name The full name of the attendee
Attendee - Email The email used by the attendee

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