Getting Started with the Learning Management System
The learning management system is PheedLoop’s primary means for organizations to provide credits and other valid proofs of completion within your organization. With this system, tracking attendance and creating multi lesson modules is a quick and simple process.
If you are part of an association and would like to track attendance and award certificates of completion to your members, the Learning Management System is perfect for you.
The Learning Portal can be accessed from the Learning page in the Member Portal. To manage the Learning Management System, open the Membership Dashboard and navigate to Learning. Here, you will see all the configurable settings for the Learning Management System.
The Courses page is where you can create and manage courses in the Learning Portal. For more information on this topic, please review our How Courses Work article.
Instructions for quizzes can also be found in our How Quizzes Work article.
The Transactions page will display information on all existing transactions created by your members as they purchase courses. Please note that the transactions page here is unique to the Learning Management System and will not reflect transactions for things beyond the purchases made in the Learning Portal.
For more information on Transactions, please visit our Managing Purchases in the Learning Management System article.
The Registrations page covers all course enrollments made from Members.
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Registrations
- Select the Registration you wish to edit
The Registration Editor Form will now be opened. Here, you can configure the registration as necessary.
- Select Go to Transaction to be redirected to the transaction
- Under the Course field, select a course to change the enrollment
- Toggle off the Is Active checkbox to deactivate the registration
- Select Save Changes to save your progress
Credit History
The Credit History page shows what credit types the member earned as they go through the course. There are no editable sections in this page.
Using Actions
The Actions button has additional capabilities for the Registration.
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Registrations
- Select the checkbox of the Registration you wish to edit
- Above the Registrations table, select Actions
- Send Confirmation Email - Select this option to send an email to the Member confirming they are enrolled in the course.
- Assign Enrollment - Select this option to change the Member of the registration to someone else.
- Activate Registration - Select this option to render the status of the Registration as Active. This will toggle on the Is Active checkbox in the Registration Editor Form.
- Deactivate Registration - Select this option to render the status of the Registration as Inactive. This will toggle off the Is Active checkbox in the Registration Editor Form.
- Delete - Select this option to remove the registration. Please note that once a registration has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.
Creating Registrations
In addition to managing registrations, it is also possible to create registrations in the Membership Dashboard.
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Registrations
- Above the Registrations table, select Create
You will now be taken to the Registration Editor Form.
Course - This field can be used to select a course to change the enrollment.
Member - This field can be used to select the Member for the registration.
Is Active - Toggle this checkbox off to deactivate the registration and on to activate the registration.
Advanced Settings
Membership Type - select any Membership Types under this field to include as part of the registration
Enroll All Active Members - toggle this checkbox on to enroll all members into the registration from your account
Contact Group - enter any contact group under this field to be included along with the registration
Contact Organization - Enter any organization to be included along with the registration
Send Email Confirmation - Toggle on this checkbox to send an email to the member confirming they have been included in the registration.
Once all settings have been configured, select Save Changes to create your registration.
Please note, promotions from Membership > Promotions will not apply to the Learning Management System.
The Promotions page is where Administrators can create and manage promotions to be used in the Learning Management System. If a promotion is active, a member can use the code to gain a discount at checkout.
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Promotions
- Above the Promotions table, select Create
- Toggle on the Active checkbox to make the promotion available for use
- Under the Name field, enter the name of the promotion
- Under the Promotion Code field, enter the code of the promotion
- Under the Discount Amount field, enter the dollar amount that will be discounted at checkout
- Under the Discount Percent field, enter the percentage of the total amount to be discounted at checkout
- Under the Usage Limit field, enter the maximum number of times the discount can be used
- Under the Start Date field, enter the earliest date that the promotion can be used
- Under the Expiry Date field, enter the date where the promotion will no longer be available
- Under the Connected Courses field, select any courses you wish to restrict the promotion to
- Toggle on the Single Application Only checkbox to apply only one instance of the promotion for each connected course included in the cart
- Under the Purchase Minimum field, enter the minimum amount the member needs to spend before the promotion code can be applied
- Select Create Promotion
Deleting Promotions
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Promotions
- Select the checkbox of the promotion you wish to delete
- Above the Promotions table, select Actions > Delete
- Select Confirm
Credit Types
Credit Types are what Members receive upon completing a course or lesson. Typically this is used to track Attendance and Members will need a certain number of credits to complete the course.
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Credit Types
- Above the Credit Types table, select Create
A new pop-up will appear allowing you to create a new Credit Type.
Active - Toggle this setting on to allow attendees to use this promotion. If toggled off, the promotion will not work.
Name - Enter your name for the promotion in this field.
Credit - Enter a numerical value under this field to be awarded to a Member upon completing a specified task such as viewing a lesson or completing a course.
Availability Settings
Start Date - Enter a date to make this Credit Type available. This Credit Type will not work prior to the entered date. If left blank, the Credit Type will be available regardless of the date.
End Date - Enter a date to make this Credit Type unavailable. This Credit Type will not work after the entered date. If left blank, the Credit Type will be available regardless of the date.
Deleting Credit Types
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Learning > Credit Types
- Above the Credit Types table, select Actions > Delete
- Select Confirm
Additional Customization Settings in the Learning portal
Certain aspects of the Learning Portal can be customized through the Membership Dashboard.
- From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to General > Settings
- Scroll down to General Settings
- Under the Color field, select the hex color value to change the layout color within the Learning Portal
- Please note, this setting will change the color scheme for other portals such as the Member Portal.
- Under the Organization Logo field, select Choose File to upload your organization's logo
- The logo will appear in the top left corner of the learning portal.
- Select Save Changes
Please note, editing the color or organization logo will also change the Member Portal and Organization Website.