Customizing and Using the Sponsor Portal

The Sponsor Portal is a powerful tool that allows Sponsors to view and contribute their information without relying on event organizers to assist them. The Sponsor portal gives Sponsors access ahead of their event to customize their branding. As an Event Administrator, you are able to customize this Sponsor portal to your liking.

Before Sponsors can make use of the Sponsor portal, event organizers will need to provide access. To learn how to give access to the Sponsor Portal - review this article here.

Customize the Sponsor Portal Information and Functionality

Event organizers can customize the Sponsor Portal as necessary from the Event Dashboard.

To Customize the Welcome Text

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsor > Portal
  2. Scroll down to General
  3. Enter the text in Welcome Text
  4. Select Save Changes

This text will be visible in the Information page on the Sponsor Portal. This is the first page that appears when opening the Sponsor portal.

To Customize the Help Text

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsor > Portal
  2. Scroll down to General
  3. Enter the text in Support Details
  4. Select Save Changes

This text will be visible when selecting Help on the Sponsor Portal on the bottom left corner of the portal.

To Upload a Portal Banner Image

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to General > Design
  2. Scroll down to Banner Images
  3. Under Portal Banner Image, select Choose File to upload your image
  4. Select Save Changes

The uploaded image will now be visible on the bottom left corner of the Sponsor Portal on the left corner of the portal.

Hiding Pages from the Event Dashboard

All pages in the Sponsor Portal can be hidden in the Event Dashboard. This will effectively remove the functionality of any given page, it is recommended to only use this for pages that are not being used for the event.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsor > Portal
  2. Scroll down to Pages
  3. Select the checkbox of each page to be hidden
  4. Select Save Changes

The pages selected will no longer appear in the Sponsor portal.

Locking Pages from the Event Dashboard

Another option is to lock the feature so that Sponsors can still view the page but will be unable to interact with any of the features inside. For example, if the event administrator has Lock Manager Editing and Lock Manager Adding enabled, then Sponsors will not be able to edit manager details or add additional managers even if the limit has not been reached. This is ideal for when Sponsors need to view pages for context but interacting with the content is unneeded.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsor > Portal
  2. Scroll down to any of the settings you wish to restrict
  3. Select Save Changes

Add Custom Instructions

If you are looking to provide unique instructions to an individual Sponsor, there is a way for you to appear on the Information page of the Sponsor Portal.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Select the Sponsor you would like to leave custom instructions for
  3. Under Basic Details, enter the information in the Instructions text box.
  4. Select Save Changes

The text will now appear in the Information page above the Welcome Text. The Instructions and Welcome Text are divided by a line. This is ideal if you want to provide specific Sponsor information to each Sponsor such as including personal coupon codes or directions to a booth.

These instructions can be uploaded simultaneously with a bulk upload.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Above the Sponsors table, select the upload button
  3. Select Download Template
  4. Enter the instructions in the Instructions column
  5. Once all information is entered, save the file
  6. Upload the file by selecting Drag and drop some files here, or click to select files button

Adding Graphics and Branding for Sponsors

Logos, Banners, and Thumbnails can be uploaded from both the Event Dashboard and Sponsor Portal.

Adding Graphics From the Event Dashboard

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Sponsors
  2. Select the sponsor you wish to edit from the list
  3. Scroll down to Design
  4. Under the Logo field, select Choose File to upload the Sponsor's logo
  5. Under the Banner field, select Choose File to upload the Sponsor's banner
  6. Under the Thumbnail field, select Choose File to upload the Sponsor's Thumbnail
  7. Select Save Changes

Adding Graphics from the Sponsor Portal

  1. From the Sponsor Portal, navigate to Design
  2. Under the Logo field, select Upload File to upload the Sponsor's logo
  3. Under the Banner field, select Upload File to upload the Sponsor's banner
  4. Under the Thumbnail field, select Upload File to upload the Sponsor's Thumbnail

Configuring SSO into the Sponsor Portal

Please note, use of this feature requires SSO Configuration for Wicket, Netforum, or Microsoft Azure to be included in your account. SSO Configuration is an additional charge.

If your organization is making use of a Single Sign-On Integration then that integration can be used to sign in to the Sponsor Portal. SSO availability can be configured in the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sponsors > Portal
  2. Scroll down to Profile Settings
  3. Toggle on the Enable Single Sign-On checkbox
  4. Select Save Changes

Navigating the Sponsor Portal Pages

Below is a brief walkthrough of each page and what they entail. Instructions for features will also be included as necessary.


This is the home page of the Sponsor Portal. The information displays the Welcome Text as well as any custom instructions if written.


The profile page is where individuals can edit their profile information for their sponsor.


Any announcements made from the Event Dashboard will appear here if set so. Announcements will not appear in the Sponsor Portal if not set under Visibility.

Only Event Administrators can create and send announcements. For information on how to create and send announcements, please review our article here.

Managers & Tickets

Managers represent every individual that is attending the event who is representing the Sponsor. Managers that are created will be listed in association with the Sponsor company in the event app and virtual portal and website.

The Primary Contact is the individuals who serve as the main person responsible for the Sponsor Profile. They are typically individuals who will be responsible for getting the Sponsor company all set up. They will receive the welcome email when triggered.

Managers can be created at any time from this page.

  1. Select Add New Manager
  2. Enter the Manager information
  3. Select Save

Another feature of this page is the option to transfer tickets between managers. For more information please review our article here.


The Files page is where Sponsors can upload any files for Attendees to download and view. Files are accessible from the Virtual Portal and Event App. Files will not appear in the event website. Uploaded files can be hidden if necessary by selecting the Is Private checkbox. Hidden files can still be seen from the event dashboard.


The Design page is where Sponsors display their graphics. Any graphics uploaded will be displayed on the front end for attendees to see.


Logos are the primary graphic for Sponsors. This graphic will be displayed on all portals.


Banners are the backdrop that is visible when attendees enter the Sponsor page. This graphic will be displayed on all portals.


Thumbnails primarily appear in the virtual portal in the exhibit hall. Thumbnails will be displayed instead of logos as attendees navigate through Sponsors.

Task Assignments

Sponsors can view and complete any assigned tasks on this page. Once completed, results can be edited at any time. For more information on how to use tasks as an Event Administrator, please refer to our task management article here.

Purchase and Contract

This page will unveil the purchase details associated with the Sponsor. All information can be downloaded as a PDF file by selecting Download Contract Summary. This is primarily used when using our Sponsor Application Module.

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