Using Different Question Types for Custom Forms

PheedLoop’s Custom Form feature allows your respondents to answer questions in a multitude of ways. By understanding all six Question Types, you can maximize the effectiveness of your form. 

Creating your Custom Form

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Advanced > Custom Forms
  2. Select a prefilled form or create a new custom form
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the form and select Add Question 

Selecting the Add Question button will reveal six questions types for you to pick from. Below is a list of each Question Type and their intended purpose. 

Question Types

Question Type Description
Text Input Text Inputs require the registrant to provide a written response when answering the question.
Multiple Select Input Registrants can select one or more of the presented options when answering the question.
Single Select Input Registrants can only select one of the presented options when answering the question.
Descriptive Text Descriptive Text adds additional information for registrants to read. This question type does not require the registrant to answer.
File Upload Input This Question Type will require registrants to upload a file as part of their response. For more information, please review our Using the File Upload Question Feature in Custom Form article.
Range Input  Range Inputs allow registrants to answer a question on a numerical scale (e.g. 1 to 10). This is incredibly useful for gathering a broad consensus in a convenient manner. For more information, please review our Using Form Range Inputs for Custom Forms article.

Quick Tip: Use Conditional Questions to have questions appear only after a specific response has been selected.

Downloading Form Responses

Gathering responses is just as important as the questions being asked on the form. 

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports and select Create

  1. Under the Report Type field, select Form Response
  2. Under the Name and Description fields, enter the name and description for your field
    1. Descriptions are optional and primarily serve as a note for the purpose of the report.
  3. Under the Fields field and include or exclude variables like Name, Email, and Responses
    1. Please note, that if you are using range inputs for the proposal application system, the process for gathering averages is slightly different. For instructions, please review our Using Form Range Inputs for Custom Forms article.
  4. Under the Form field, you may optionally select one or more forms to restrict the report to
  5. Under the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the date range you wish to restrict the report to
  6. Select Save Changes

Now that you have created your report, you can now generate it to load the responses in.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Data & Reports > Custom Reports and select the report containing the form responses

  1. Above the report's table, select Actions > Generate Report 

  1. Refresh the page and select Download Previous Report 

The compiled response will be available for download as an xlsx file openable by any spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

If you would like to only view the responses directly, use the Form Responses report type and ensure the Responses field is included in your report. 

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