Accessing and Using the PheedLoop Speaker Portal

The Speaker Portal is a one-stop-shop where speakers at your event are able to go in and fully customize their event experience. Speaker Portals can provide Event Managers and Speakers with flexibility, customization and other capabilities. Read below to learn more about the Speaker Portal functionality.

1. Giving Speakers Access to the Speaker Portal

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Speakers and select the speaker you would like to send the Speaker Portal to from the list
  2. Above the speaker table, select Actions > Welcome Email

Speakers will be sent an email giving them access to the Speaker Portal where they will be required to login. This email can be customized in the Communications tab. 

2. Editing the Speaker Portal Email

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates and select Speaker Welcome from the list

  1. In the Speaker Welcome editor form, you can edit Subject and Body Text

  1. By selecting Insert Token, you can select tokens like Magic Login Button, App Magic Login Button, Attendee Portal Link, Attendee QR Code, and more.

  1. Toggle on the Enable Call-To-Action Button checkbox
    1. This checkbox will link the Speaker Portal to the email.

  1. Select Save Changes

Note - the new Speaker Portal requires a login before accessing.

3. Reviewing Sent Emails

You can review who has been sent a speaker welcome email in the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates and select Speaker Welcome from the list

  1. Above the email templates table, select Actions > Review Sent Emails
    1. In this page you can review the attendee, their email, the date the email was sent, if the email has been opened, and if the call-to-action button has been clicked.

  1. Select Download, if you would like to obtain a CSV form with all the information included

4. Customizing your Speaker Portal

With the Speaker Portal, speakers have access to features including the ability to edit profile information, update headshots, upload session files, and more.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Portals > Speaker > Speaker Portal

  1. Under Pages, toggle on any of the checkboxes to hide the relevant pages in the Speaker Portal

  1. Under Profile Settings
    1. Toggle on the Lock Profile Edits checkbox to prevent speakers from editing their profile information in the Speaker Portal.
    2. Toggle on the Enable Single Sign-On checkbox to allow Speakers to login with an SSO integrated with your account. 

  1. Under Session Settings
    1. Toggle on the Lock Session Edits checkbox to prevent Speakers from editing their session in the Speaker Portal.
    2. Toggle on the Hide Learning Objective Edits checkbox to hide Learning Objectives in the Speaker Portal. If disabled, Learning Objectives will be visible and editable by the Speaker in the Speaker Portal.
    3. Toggle on the Hide Author Edits checkbox to hide the Author's field for speakers in their portal.
    4. Toggle on the Hide Session Files Section checkbox to hide the sessions file tab when opening a session from the Speaker Portal.
    5. Toggle on the Lock Session Files Adds checkbox to disable the option to upload session files from the Speaker Portal. The Session Files tab in the Sessions page will still be visible in the Speaker Portal.
    6. Toggle on the Show Session Attendance checkbox allow speakers to see the number of attendees registered for their sessions in the Speaker Portal.
    7. Toggle on the Show Session Registration Details checkbox to allow speakers to see the details of attendees registered for their sessions. This will make the Session Registrations tab in the Sessions page visible in the Speaker Portal.
    8. Toggle on the Show Session Feedback checkbox to allow speakers to see feedback provided by attendees for their sessions. This will make the Session Feedback tab in the Sessions page visible in the Speaker Portal.
    9. Toggle on the Require Approval for Session Files checkbox to require an event administrator to approve session files before they can be displayed publicly.

  1. Under Co-Speaker Settings 
    1. Toggle on the Lock Co-Speakers Edits checkbox to disable edits
    2. Toggle on the Lock Co-Speakers Adds checkbox to prevent Speakers from adding any new co-speakers 
    3. Under the Co-Speaker Limit field, enter the number of co-speakers allowed to be added from the Speaker Portal. Select 0 to set the number to unlimited.

  1. Under the Contract Summary, set up an agreement that speakers need to agree to before accessing the Speaker Portal
    1. For more information on contracts, please review our Setting up and Customizing Speaker Contracts article.

  1. Under General
    1. Under the Support Details field, enter the contact information where speakers can reach out to your organization for support. If populated, there will be a Help button on the bottom left corner of the Speaker Portal that Speakers can select to view the information.
    2. Under the Welcome Text field, enter any text and graphics to welcome the speaker when they access the Speaker Portal. This content will appear in the Information page of the Speaker Portal..
    3. Under the Global Instructions field, enter any instructions you wish to share with Speakers. The instructions will appear on the Information page of the Speaker

  1. Under Design and Custom Code, fill out the text boxes with custom CSS code

  1. Select Save Changes

If your organization is making use of a Single Sign-On Integration then that integration can be used to sign in to the Speaker Portal. SSO availability can be configured in the Event Dashboard.

Please note, use of this feature requires SSO Configuration for Wicket, Netforum, or Microsoft Azure to be included in your account. SSO Configuration is an additional charge.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Portals > Speaker > Speaker Portal
  2. Scroll down to Profile Settings
  3. Toggle on the Enable Single Sign-On checkbox
  4. Select Save Changes

Quick tip: if you would like to take a look at the speaker portal yourself, you can do so by adding your email in the Speakers tab on the Event Dashboard. If you don’t want your profile to be visible you can toggle off the following checkboxes: Speaker is Visible, Show Profile in Website Directory, Show Profile in Website Card Array, Show Profile in App.

4 (B). Creating Session Instructions in the Speaker Portal

Instructions for sessions can be added on an individual basis in the Event Dashboard. If configured, the instructions will appear in the Speaker Portal. Session Instructions will not appear in the Virtual Portal or PheedLoop Go!

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions and select the session you wish to use from the list

  1. Scroll down to Advanced Settings
  2. Under the Instructions field, enter the instructions for your session
  3. Select Save Changes

The instructions will now be added to the Speaker Portal. If you would like to add instructions for multiple sessions at once, you can do so by using our bulk upload feature. Please review our How to Add, Import and Edit Sessions for more information.

5. Setting up Live Polls and Q&A in the Speaker Portal

Note - the Advanced Audience Interaction power-up is required to use this feature.

5 (A). Enabling Polls and Q&A

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions and select the session you would like to adjust from the list

  1. In the session editor form, navigate to Options
  2. Toggle on Enable Live Polls and Enable Q&A checkboxes
  3. Select Save Changes

5 (B). Setting up Polls and Q&A via the Speaker Portal

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions
  2. Select the session you would like to adjust from the list
  3. Navigate to Polls and select Add New Poll
    1. Fill out Poll Question, Option 1, and Option 2
  4. Select Save
  5. Navigate to Q&A and select a question left by an attendee and fill out the text box underneath the Answer field
    1. You may also remove the question by selecting Delete question

For more information on Polls and Q&A, please review our Setting Up Live Polls, Q&A, and Session Files article.

5 (C). Accessing Live Polls and Q&A via the Virtual Event Portal

In addition, team members can also access the Live Polls and Q&A from the Virtual Event Portal if they want to play a moderator role during a session.

  1. From the Virtual Event Portal, navigate to Backstage 
  2. Select your session and navigate to Polls and Q&A
  3. Under Poll Question, fill out the question you would like attendees to answer
    1. Under Options, fill out an answer to the poll question and select the enter key.
    2. Select Save when you are finished.
  4. Beside created polls, select Edit to customize the poll and select Enable to activate it
    1. Select Disable, to hide the question from attendees.

Q&A is set up automatically, allowing attendees to ask questions throughout the session which team members can answer. For more information on Polls and Q&A, please review our Setting Up Live Polls, Q&A, and Session Files article.

5 (D). Accessing Session Registrations in the Speaker Portal

Please note that Show Session Registration Details must be enabled in the Event Dashboard to use this feature.

The Session Registrations tab will display information on all attendees who have registered for the session. The names, organizations, titles, and designations of the attendee will be displayed in this tab. Speakers can search attendees by name, organizations, titles, or designations. All registrations can be exported into a CSV file for further use.

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions and select the session you wish to see the registration for
  2. Navigate to the Session Registrations tab

  1. Above the Session Registrations table, select Actions > Download CSV

5 (E). Accessing Session Feedback in the Speaker Portal

Please note that Show Session Feedback must be enabled in the Event Dashboard to use this feature.

The Session Feedback tab will display all the responses for the session’s feedback survey. The first and last names of the attendee as well as the form responses will be displayed. All responses can be exported in a CSV file for further use.

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions and select the session you wish to see the registration for
  2. Navigate to the Session Feedback tab

  1. Above the Session Feedback table, select Actions > Download CSV

5 (F). Adding Co-Speakers from the Speaker Portal

One of the features of session management is the option for speakers to include co-speakers for their session. If not added in their proposal already, co-speakers can easily be added from the Speaker Portal on a per session basis. 

Please note that Event Admins may remove access or lock the Co-Speakers from being edited. If you believe a mistake has been made, please reach out to the event organizer(s) for support.

  1. From the Speaker Portal, navigate to Sessions and select the session you wish to edit from the list
  2. Navigate to the Speakers and Roles
  3. Select Add New Co-Speaker and fill out the co-speaker’s information
    1. Only the First Name, Last Name, and Email fields are required. All other fields are optional. 
  4. Select Save

The Speaker will now be listed as a co-speaker under the session details. Co-Speakers can include a profile picture in their own Speaker Portal.

The Speakers and Roles tab is also where Speaker Roles are managed. For more information on this feature, please visit our Customizing and Enabling Speaker Roles article.

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