Setting up your Call for Proposals

Please note, the Call for Abstracts/Proposals System module is required to use this feature.

One of the many ways PheedLoop offers speakers to get involved with the event creation process is proposals. This feature allows prospective speakers to submit their own information for sessions which can be approved and reviewed by reviewers before being added to the sessions tab for the event dashboard.

Instead of relying on an individual to manually create all these sessions, this process empowers the speaker to share their ideas for their session. As this is still an application, a reviewer will need to examine these applications before they can be approved and added to the Event Dashboard.

Creating a Call

Calls are the application that applicants will fill out. Multiple calls can be created at once if necessary.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Calls
  2. Above the Calls table, select Create

Basic Details

This is where you are able to enter basic information about your Proposal Call. This will give information to your prospective speakers on what they are applying for.

  1. Under Name, Enter the title of your call
  2. Under Description, enter any information for your call that may be useful for applicants to know
    1. This information will appear in the Event Information page.
  3. Under Welcome Text, enter any information you would like to share with applicants before they start the application process
    1. This information will appear in the Start section of Proposal Application.
  4. Toggle on the Open Proposal Submissions checkbox to allow speakers to submit proposals
  5. Toggle on the Send Automatic Reminders checkbox if you wish to send reminders to applicants with partially completed applications
    1. You can customize these reminders from the Event Dashboard by selecting Proposal Reminder under Communications > Email Templates.
  6. Toggle on Send Update Alerts to Co-Speakers to notify Co-Speakers on any updates such as their status being approved or rejected
  7. Under Custom Form, select a form that applicants will need to complete as part of their application
    1. This will create a Survey section in Proposal Application


  1. Under Co-Speaker Limit, enter the maximum number of Co-Speakers that can be included in the application
    1. Entering 0 in this field will remove the Co-Speaker page for the application process. 
  2. Toggle on Allow Submission Edits/Updates to grant the application permission to update their proposal
    1. Applicants can access their proposals via the Proposal Portal available in the success page or email confirmation.
    2. Event Administrators can remove this in the Proposal Confirmation Email Template by toggling off Enable Call-To-Action Button
  3. Toggle on Allow Multiple Track Selection, Allow Multiple Format Selection, and/or Allow Multiple Audience Selection if you plan to include tracks, formats, and audiences for sessions
    1. For more information please visit our Personalizing Sessions using Tracks Formats Audiences.
  4. Toggle on Require Profile Picture, Require Speaker Organization, Require Speaker Title, and/or Require Organization Logo depending on what is necessary for your event
  5. Toggle on Disable File Uploading to prevent files from being sent along with applications
  6. Toggle on Require Organization Logo to force applicants to upload an image file as part of their submission
  7. Toggle on Collect Authors to allow applicants to credit individuals if necessary as part of their submission
  8. Toggle on Skip Session Step, Skip Survey Step, Skip Files Step, and/or Skip Profile Step if you would not like these sections in your call
    1. Please note, this will remove the sections in the Proposal Portal as well.
  9. Under Custom Confirmation Message, enter a message for applicants that will be displayed when they complete their application
    1. If left blank, the success page will display a default message.

Submission Portal

The settings here are mainly to lock editing of pages in the Proposal Portal.

  1. Toggle on Lock Profile Editing, Lock Session Editing, Lock Files Editing, Lock Survey Editing, and/or Lock Co-Speakers Editing to prevent edits being made in their respective pages
  2. Toggle on Disable Submission Portal to remove the Submission Portal entirely


  1. Toggle on Hide Personally Identifying Information to prevent the review panel from viewing direct personally identifying information connected to submissions such as names or email addresses
  2. Toggle on Open Proposal Review Portal, to allow reviewers to submit reviews for their assigned proposals
    1. Toggling off this checkbox will prevent reviews from being submitted.
  3. Under Submission Review Portal, enter the maximum number of reviews that can be submitted for the proposal
  4. Under Custom Form, select the form you wish for the reviewer to use to evaluate the proposal
    1. This is a necessary step to set up for reviewers. If left blank, the reviewer(s) will not be able to submit a review.
  5. Under Instructions For Reviewers, enter any instructions you wish to share with Reviewers


  1. Under Proposal Denial Text, enter the text that will appear if an application is denied
    1. If left blank, the applicant will receive a default message.
  2. Under Speaker Roles, select any speaker roles you wish to include in the application
    1. This will appear in the Co-Speakers section and Profile section.
    2. For more information on Speaker Roles, please review our Customizing and Enabling Speaker Roles article.

Once all of your settings are configured, select Save Changes.

Accessing the Application

Once the application is created, it can be accessed through an unique URL. Anyone with this url can submit a proposal.

Accessing the Proposal Application Link from the Event Dashboard

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Calls
  2. Select the checkbox of your call
  3. Above the Calls table, select Actions > Application Link

Accepting or Denying Proposals

The final part of the proposal process is approving or denying it. For more information on this topic, please review our Accepting, Denying and Updating Proposals article.

How to Send and Edit the Proposal Reminder Email

As part of the proposal process, reminder emails are sent out automatically for each proposal that has not been completed. Proposal reminders are automatically sent 1, 6, 15, and 30, days following the submission.

Proposals Reminder Emails can be sent manually and edited within the Event Dashboard. If no edits are made, a default message will be sent out to the email responsible for creating the proposal.

To Edit the Proposal Reminder Email Template

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Communications > Email Templates
  2. Select Proposal Reminder
  3. Edit the Subject field to change the email header
  4. Edit the Body Text field to change the email’s text
  5. Toggle on the Enable Call-To-Action Button checkbox to include a button within the email that will lead the user back to the Proposal Portal to complete their submission
  6. Edit the Call-To-Action Button Text field to change the Call-To-Action button text
  7. Select Save Changes

To Send the Proposal Reminder Email Template

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Proposals > Submissions
  2. Select the Proposal you wish to send the Proposal Reminder Email to from the list
  3. Above the Proposal table, select Actions > Send Completion Reminder
  4. Select Confirm

An email will now be sent to the submitter of the proposal.

Utilizing the Proposal Data report

The Proposal Data Report will provide data on all proposals made towards your event. For instructions on how to do this, please review our Downloading Call for Proposal Data Reports article.

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