Customizing App Layout for PheedLoop Go!

Please note, use of this feature requires the Mobile Event Application module

PheedLoop Go! offers extensive customization including the ability to arrange the order of widgets on the Home Page.

As an example, Quick Links appears on the top of the list by default. By using the App Layout, we can customize this so that another widget such as Announcements appear instead.

By default, the homepage of the Event App will contain the widgets in the following order:

  1. Quick Links
  2. Sponsors
  3. Announcements
  4. Event Feed

How to rearrange the App Layout

The other widgets are hidden by default but can be added freely from the Event Dashboard.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > App Layout
  2. Select the widget(s) you want to include from the list
  3. Drag the widget into the phone preview
  4. Arrange the widgets in the order you wish
    1. The widgets at the top will appear at the top of your home page.
  5. Select Save Layout

Supported Widgets

PheedLoop Go! supports multiple widgets including the following:


The Announcements widget is available by default in your Event App. All announcements created in the Event Dashboard will appear here provided Show in Event App is toggled on. For more information, please review our Customizing Sending and Automating Announcements article.

Curator Social Feed

All posts from your designated social media platform will appear here. For more information, please review our Integrating the Curator Social Media Feed into the Event App or Virtual Portalarticle.

Event Feed

This widget will display all posts made by your attendees from the Event App or Virtual Portal. For more information, please review our Setting up and Using the Event App Event Feed article.


Please note that this requires the Exhbit Hall Module to use

Designated Exhibitors will appear in this widget if configured. Please read the instructions at the bottom of the article to learn how to highlight Exhibitors. For more information on Exhibitors, please review our Uploading Exhibitors and Sending Their Exhibitor Portal article.


Please note, use of this feature requires the Gamification Power-Up

The Gamification Widget will show a leaderboard of the top three attendees with the most points. For more information on Gamification, please review our Setting up Gamification and Prizes for In-Person Events article.


Please note, use of this feature requires the Advanced Networking Power-Up

This widget will display attendees who share similar interests with each other based on their survey results. For more information, please review our Setting up Attendee Matchmaking in the Event App and Virtual Portal article.


Please note, use of this feature requires the Advanced Networking Power-Up

The Meetings widget is available by default in your Event App. This widget will display any upcoming meetings the attendee has scheduled. For more information, please review our Setting Up Meeting Booking in the Event App article.

Quick Links

The Quick Links widget is available by default in your Event App. Attendees can use this widget to quickly access select pages. To have a page showcased as a  Quick Link, toggle on the Is Quick Link checkbox of the respective page in the Event Dashboard under Mobile App > Pages.


Please note that this requires the Stage & Sessions Module to use

Designated sessions will appear on this widget. Please read the instructions at the bottom of the article to learn how to highlight Sessions. For more information on Sessions, please review our Session Management category on our site.


The Speakers widget is available by default in your Event App. Please read the instructions at the bottom of the article to learn how to highlight Speakers. For more information on Speakers, please review our Speaker Management category on our site.


The Sponsors widget is available by default in your Event App. This widget will display all sponsors for your event provided the Show in Event App checkbox is toggled on. For more information, please review our Sponsor Management on our site.

How to highlight Widgets

Certain widgets can be customized to highlight select items from their respective categories. The Speaker Widget can highlight speakers, the Session Widget can highlight select sessions, and so forth. Attendees are able to select these highlighted widgets and be led directly to their respective page.

To Add Exhibitors

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Exhibitors > Exhibitors
  2. Select the Exhibitor(s) you wish to highlight
  3. Scroll down to Event App Settings
  4. Toggle on the Enable App Widget checkbox
  5. Select Save Changes

To Add Sessions

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Sessions > Sessions
  2. Select the Session(s) you wish to highlight
  3. Scroll down to Event App Settings
  4. Toggle on the Enable App Widget checkbox
  5. Select Save Changes

To Add Speakers

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Speakers > Speakers
  2. Select the Speaker(s) you wish to highlight
  3. Scroll down to Advanced Options
  4. Toggle on the Enable App Widget checkbox
  5. Select Save Changes

Creating Custom Widgets

Event administrators can create custom widgets to display in the App’s homepage.

  1. From the Event Dashboard, navigate to Experiences > Mobile App > App Layout
  2. Above the App Layout, select Create Custom Widget
  3. Under the Title field, enter the name of the widget
  4. Under the Description field, enter any internal information you wish to associate with the widget
    1. Text entered under this field will not be displayed in the Event App.
  5. Under the HTML Content field, place any HTML content under this field
  6. Under the CSS Content field, place any custom CSS content under this field
  7. Select Save Changes

Once saved, refresh the page to see your newly created widget. All custom widgets will have the star icon by default.

Rearranging custom widgets

  1. From the App layout page, click and drag the custom widget into the phone preview
  2. Select Save Layout

If you would like to remove the widget, click and drag the widget back to the list and save your changes. 

Deleting custom widgets

Select the X icon next to the widget if you wish to remove the custom widget. Select Confirm to fully delete the widget.

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