Configure your Payment Processor for Registration to Collect Money from Credit Card Transactions

A central component of setting up PheedLoop Registration is configuring your payment processor to accept payments via PheedLoop. 

PheedLoop supports many payment processors: Stripe, Bambora, Moneris, and PayPal. Your organization account must be connected to one of these payment processors in order for credit card purchases to be available for registration. 

Please note, outside of Stripe, other payment processors require a custom fee to use. Please reach out to our sales team at for any inquiries. 



Stripe is PheedLoop’s primary payment processor for credit card transactions. Stripe is available by default for all accounts and is required in order to set up credit card payments for your event. Without Stripe, registrants won’t be able to pay via Credit Card at checkout and will need to rely on another method to pay.

For instructions on how to set up Stripe, please review our How to Connect your Account to Stripe for Payment Processing article.


Bambora is one of the payment processors we support here at PheedLoop. Simply connect your Bambora account with PheedLoop and any payments made will be processed through Bambora. For complete instructions, please review our How to Connect to Bambora for Payment Processing article.

Please note, your organization must complete Bambora’s onboarding process which can take two to three weeks to complete. Errors may occur if the onboarding process is not completed.


Moneris is an available option for accepting payments in PheedLoop. Please reach out to the support team to access this payment processor. For instructions on integrating with Moneris, please review our Setting Up The Moneris Integration article.


Use of our PayPal integration requires a payment of $950 per year. Please reach out to our sales team at for any inquiries. For instructions on integrating with PayPal, please review our How to Connect to PayPal for Payment Processing article.

Please note, your organization must complete PayPal’s onboarding process which can take two to three weeks. Errors may occur if the onboarding process is not completed.

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