How to Setup Membership Signup

If your organization is using the Membership Dashboard, you can set up registration similar to the Event Dashboard. This article will go over the process of setting up your Organization Website to allow Membership Signups.

Step 1 - Connecting to a Financial Integration

In order for users to pay for a subscription, your organization account must be connected to a Financial Integration such as Stripe. For instructions on how to do this, please review our How to Connect your Account to Stripe for Payment Processing article.

Step 2 - Accessing the Organization Website for Registration

The Organization Website can be easily accessed from the Membership Dashboard.

  1. From the Membership Dashboard, navigate to Organization Portals > Organization Website
  2. From the Organization Website, select Signup

You will now be taken to the Signup flow where you can purchase membership for your organization. For instructions on how to set up your Organization Website, please review our XYZ article.

Step 3 - Understanding the Membership Signup Flow

Members can join your organization when they visit the Signup page on the Organization Website.

Please note, the signup page is the default page for Membership Signups.


The Start page, as the name suggests, is the beginning of the Signup flow. This page is where members fill in their personal information such as name and email, as well as any other information if configured in the Membership Dashboard.


The Details page will only appear if a custom form is assigned under Membership > Settings. Members will use this page to fill out the Custom Form before proceeding to the next step.


The Tiers page is where Members purchase the Membership Types and Bundles to join your Organization. If you wish to learn more about Membership Types, please review our How to Set Up Membership Types article. If you wish to learn more about Membership Bundles, please review our Setting Up Membership Bundles article.


The success page is the final page of the Signup flow. The Success page confirms the Signup flow is successful. No further action is needed for the Member and they can select Download Invoice to acquire a PDF copy of their invoice. Please note, the invoice is also attached in the confirmation email of the purchaser’s account.

Step 4 - Utilizing Settings in the Signup Flow

There are several settings in the Membership Dashboard that can be utilized to customize the Signup Flow. This includes text and designating fields as mandatory or optional to fill out by members.

All settings can be found by navigating to Membership > Settings in the Membership Dashboard.

Success Page

Success Message - Enter a custom message under this field to be displayed in the Success page of the Signup flow. Members that complete a signup will see this message on the page.


Allow Other Payments - Selecting this option will allow members to pay through an alternative method such as cheque or wire transfer. The payment status will appear as unpaid in the Membership Dashboard. Please note, PheedLoop does not enforce alternative methods of payment. The onus is on the organization to enforce their payment policy.

Allow Card Payments - Selecting this option will allow members to pay by credit card. Please note that this option requires the account to be connected to a payment processor such as Stripe. It is recommended to leave this setting on.

PheedLoop Transaction Fee - PheedLoop charges a 1.9% transaction fee for each credit card purchase. This is a default setting and cannot be changed.

Pass Transactions Fees to Members - Select this option to charge members with the PheedLoop Transaction Fee. This will make it so that your organization will not need to pay this fee from the pricing of the Membership Types and Bundles. Alternatively, you can raise your membership prices by 1.9% to accommodate the PheedLoop Transaction Fee. This is an ideal option if you would like to hide the PheedLoop Transaction Fee from the invoice/receipt for Members.

Connect To Stripe - Selecting this option will take you to the integrations page of your account where you can connect to Stripe. It is recommended to review our How to Connect your Account to Stripe for Payment Processing for a complete list of instructions.


Custom Form - Assign a custom form in this field for Members to fill out during the Signup flow. Selecting a form in this field will generate a Details page during the Signup flow.

Hide Promotion Code Field at Checkout - Check this option to prevent the promotion code field from showing up on the membership type selection page of your organization's signup flow.

Collect Member's Address Information - Check this if you would like members to submit address related information when they signup for your organization (including phone number).

Require Member's Address Information - Check this option if you would like to make Collect Member’s Address Information mandatory.

Collect Member's Designations - Check this if you would like members to submit designations. For group signups, each membership holder will also be asked to submit their designations.

Require Member's Title - Check this if you would like to require members to enter their title when signing up for your organization.

Require Member's Organization - Check this if you would like to require members to enter their organization when signing up for your organization.

Disable Group Checkout - Check this option to prevent users from purchasing multiple memberships for themselves and others during checkout. Members will still be able to purchase multiple tiers and bundles but each purchased item will belong only to the account.

Allow Unassigned Members - Check this option to allow membership information to be left blank during the checkout, membership can later be assigned to members from the owner's member portal.

Require Approvals - If this setting is toggled on, memberships must be approved by you before they are created in our system.

Invoice Settings

Invoice Header Content - This optional bit of text will be appended to the top of every invoice which is generated for registrations. Financial information related to the registration in summarized after the header content. Basic HTML styling and content is supported.

Invoice Footer Content - This optional bit of text will be appended to the bottom of every invoice which is generated for registrations. Financial information related to the registration in summarized before the footer content. Basic HTML styling and content is supported.

Invoice Email Content - This content will replace the default invoice email content. Basic HTML styling and content is supported.

Receipt Email Content - This content will replace the default receipt email content. Basic HTML styling and content is supported.

Advanced Options

Welcome Text - Text inserted under this field will appear in your signup landing page, and the first step of the signup flow. Typically reserved for short informational text, instructions, or graphics.

Footer Text - The Footer Text will appear at the bottom of the sign up flow. This is typically reserved for short-form text describing key signup terms and conditions, contact information, or any other detail.

Terms and Conditions - Enter your text for terms and conditions under this field. Terms and Conditions will appear in checkout under the cart widget. By completing the checkout process, members are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions set by your organization.

Signup Notifications List - You can set a list of comma separated emails here. Our system will send a notification of all emails in the list every time a signup is created successfully.

Use Pre-Filled Organization List - Check this if you would like members to select from a pre-fiiled organization list. Organizations can be added in the Organizations page in the Membership Dashboard. It is not recommended to use this option without creating your Organizations.

Step 5 - Testing the Signup Flow as an Organization Administrator

Once all your settings have been configured, we recommend doing a test signup to ensure everything is working properly. As part of this process, we recommend setting up a promotion code with a 100% discount to remove any costs. For instructions on how to set up promotions, please review our Setting up Membership Promotions article.

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