Understanding and Using Default Event App Pages

Please note, use of this feature will require the Mobile Event Application.

When configuring PheedLoop Go! App from the event dashboard, the options are abundant. However, they are easy to understand with a brief overview. This article will cover the default pages available for the Mobile Event App. If you would like to know how to create custom pages for your Mobile Event App, please visit our Creating Custom Pages for Event App article.


The Schedule page is similar to the Sessions page in your Event Dashboard and Event Website. It provides an overview of all the sessions throughout the duration of your event. Attendees can also use this page to check-in to their events when opening a session.


This page functions the same way as the schedule but offers a daily, weekly, and monthly view of events. The Schedule view also shows all upcoming events.


The Attendees page will show a complete list of all attendees for the event. If the Is Visible checkbox is toggled off in the Event Dashboard, then the attendee will not appear in this page. Attendees can also toggle their visibility on their Profile by turning off the Allow my profile to be visible toggle. Attendees can control whether they receive messages by turning off the Allow other attendees to message me toggle and Allow private message notifications.

Personal information such as emails or phone numbers of attendees will not be displayed.


The Speakers page will show a complete list of all speakers for the event. Just like with Attendees, the visibility of speakers can be toggled on or off from either the Event Dashboard or the Speaker Portal.

Personal information such as emails or phone numbers of speakers will not be displayed.

Event Feed

The Event Feed is where the posts from your attendees will appear, including the likes and comments associated with the post. This can be set to require moderator approval before being posted publicly on the Event Feed.

In order to use the Event Feed, it must be enabled from the Event Dashboard by a team member. For instructions on how to do this, please review our Using the Event Feed Moderation Feature article.


This page will list the exhibitors for your event. If enabled, attendees will be able to select Products and Services from exhibitors and match with them based on their compatibility.

For instructions on how to set up products and services, please review our Setting up Smart Exhibitor Matchmaking in the Event App article.

Once created, these products and services will be available for attendees to view.


Any sponsors for your event can be featured on the event app. This page will list all the sponsors and the tier(s) associated with them. Sponsors can also appear in other parts of the event app for better visibility.

By default, sponsor and exhibitor logos will appear on the home page. If there is no logo associated with the sponsor, then they will not appear on the homepage. Event organizers can also display sponsors when opening the app with the App Splash Screen Sponsor Image.

For instructions on how to set up the App Splash Screen Sponsor Image, please review our Event App Sponsorship Opportunities article.

Sponsors can also appear when opening a page if App Banner Sponsor is enabled from the Event Dashboard. Instructions for this are also included in the article above.


The announcements page is where all the messages sent by event organizers can be found.

For more information on announcements, please visit our Customizing Sending and Automating Announcements article.


Please note, use of this page requires the Gamification Power-Up.

The Gamification page is one of PheedLoop’s power-ups that event organizers can purchase and use for their event. Attendees in this page will be able to partake in challenges to gain points and compare their progress with other attendees.

For more information on Gamification, please review our Setting up Gamification and Prizes for In-Person Events article.


The X page provides up to date tweets from a selected account. For instructions on how to do this, please review our Integrating the Curator Social Media Feed into the Event App or Virtual Portal article.

Venue Map

The Venue Map page is intended to display an image of a map of the venue. Please note, the Venue Map page is different from the Maps page which is part of the  Interactive Maps module.

For instructions on how to add a venue map, please review our How to Add Venue Maps to your Mobile Event App article.


The Showcase page is used to display any exhibitors you may want in the virtual portal and PheedLoop Go! App. For instructions on how to use this page, please visit our Using the Exhibitor Showcase Feature article.


The Channels page will showcase any sessions chosen in the event dashboard. For instructions how to use this page, please visit our How the Sessions Channels Feature Works with the Virtual Portal and Event App article.


This page shows all messages between attendees. If the user is not involved in any messages, this page will be blank.


The Tickets page shows all tickets registered to the account. Tickets can be saved to Google Wallet if configured for the event. This page will also display QR codes for scanning purposes.


The Calendar page shows all the sessions for the event as well as any meetings the user may be connected to. The attendee’s schedule can be downloaded by selecting the download button on the bottom right corner of the screen. This will download a PDF file showing both meetings and sessions.


Please note, use of this page requires the Interactive Maps Module.

The Maps page will display any Floorplan or Seatplan created in the event dashboard and if enabled in the Map’s settings. Please note, this is not to be confused with the Venue Map which is a less extensive page.

For instruction on how to use this page to its maximum potential, please review our Using PheedLoops’ Map Editor to Create Interactive Maps article.


The matchmaking page is where Attendees can find common interests between each other. This page will require the Attendee to fill out a Matchmaking survey. For instructions on how to use this page, please review our Setting up Attendee Matchmaking in the Event App and Virtual Portal article.


The Certificates page is where attendees can pull information related to their CE credits. Any sessions they have attended will be populated on this page. Attendees can also download a receipt of all the sessions they have attended and the CE credits they have earned from them by selecting Download Certificates.


The Meetings page will display all meetings scheduled for the attendee including any pending meeting requests. For instructions on how to use this page, please review our Setting Up Meeting Booking in the Event App article.


The notes page is a great feature to jot down important information. If you would like to learn more about this, please review our Using Notes in the Event App article.

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